Any day that has Angela Lansbury in it is immediately a better day 😊

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I’m excited to enter this contest! I’m Reda Rountree and live in Los Angeles and am completely obsessed with murder mysteries. I discovered Murder, She Wrote when I was young and it was still airing here in the States on CBS. I’d watch it on Sunday nights with my family and it was the highlight of our week!

Btw, Jenny, I’ve been dying to tell you I discovered a brand new Vincent Price Museum here in L.A.!! I was so surprised to see it and discovered it completely by accident. It’s still under construction, but as soon as it opens I will visit and report back to you! (Kinda like the MSW restaurant, which was a real disappointment). But I have high hopes for this VP tribute!

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An Angela Lansbury workout? What more could one ask for?

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I’m Sam from Georgia. I started watching Murder, She Wrote as a little one, as my Gram loved the show. We would watch it together at her house or her quilt shop in the workroom while making quilts. My husband and I bought the whole series on DVD a few years ago to watch after our daughter goes to bed.

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I'm Amie from Colorado. I've been interested in mysteries since second grade when I started reading Encyclopedia Brown stories. My Mom started watching Murder, She Wrote when I was a teenager. And my husband bought me every episode and movie of the show on DVD a few years ago because I loved it so much.

I've been a fan of Angela Lansbury for years and sent a Bednobs and Broomsticks comic book to her a while back to sign for me. Which she graciously did. What a grand lady she was.

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